Do you have sore knees or shoulders when riding?

Generally the feedback we get from customers is that we have made them more comfortable or sped them up, so if you have been thinking about a bike fit for a while and haven't quite got round to it yet you may want to get fitted before you do the lion share of your winter riding.

If you are out of position you may not notice it as much on a group ride but getting the saddle height and setback correct and work wonders for your peddling and totally transform your riding, potentially making those climbs just a little easier. If riding solo or on the turbo is mainly your thing then you may tend to find that you are noticing sore shoulders or knees after the 30 minute mark.

Whether you are training for a sportive such as the Etape Caledonia or Tour o' the borders, trying to step up to racing, or simply just getting into it, a bike fit suits every ability level.

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